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What is answer message service?

Answer Machine Service

The "Answer Message Service" is an alternative to voicemail.

With this service, when you’re unable to answer a phone call the caller will hear a message that you’ve pre-recorded. For example, you could say something like "Hey, I'm currently busy at the moment, please try again later!" However, the caller doesn’t get the option to leave you a voicemail message.

It is useful when you want the callers to know they’ve reached the right number and to provide a reason you haven’t picked up, but you don’t want them leaving messages that you’d need to check on later.

To enable your answer message service call 789 from your device and follow the prompts listed below.

Please note:

* You can have either voicemail or your answer service active at any one time. Activating this service will disable voicemail.

* When roaming overseas, you will be charged $1.15 every time the answer service is activated.

What if Roaming is not active?

When travelling overseas, if there is no roaming plan active, calls received may incur a $1.15 charge when the call switches to voicemail or answer message service. This fee is due to re-routing the call from overseas networks back to Skinny's network. The best way to bypass being charged is by:

  • Keep your device on flight mode and use Wi-fi only. This way there will be no potential of a phone call coming through and any charges occurring. Once you do this you can either purchase a Skinny Roaming pack using a Wi-fi network via your Skinny App or stick to using Wi-fi only, keeping flight mode active
  • Remove the Skinny SIM - ensure this is stored somewhere safe
  • Purchase a local SIM that will have data and minutes preloaded. Keep in mind that you will not be able to be contacted using your Skinny mobile number.
  • Have no credit available on your account. Without having active credit on the account, the call will cut out as there will be no credit to be charged. Keep in mind that the person contacting you will not be able to listen to your answer message service and will not be able to leave a voice message if voicemail is active.

Answer Message Service Flow Diagram