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Changes to your mobile plan

On Tuesday 18th April 2023, your $26 4-weekly plan will change to $27 every 4 weeks.

You will be charged the new price from the first time your plan renews after 18th April 2023.

Your new plan at a glance

Your current price is $26 4-weekly.

Your new price after 18th April 2023 is $27 4-weekly.

Your 4-weekly data, text and minutes will remain the same.

  • Data 2.5GB
  • 300 roll-over minutes
  • Unlimited texts

What are my options?

If you're happy with this change, you don't have to do a thing. Or, if you would like to consider the alternatives, here are two options:

1. Choose a new Skinny plan

Check out other Skinny plans and pick one that suits you here. New pricing will be available from 18 April 2023.

2. Choose to cancel your plan

Get in touch with our friendly team to cancel your Skinny plan.

Auto top-up settings

If you have an auto top-up on your $26 plan you will need to ensure you update the payment to fit with the new 4-weekly amount. If you need help updating your Auto Top-up we have an easy to follow guide here.

Need to chat to us?

If you need to talk to us about the change to your plan, you can chat to us on the Skinny website, or on Facebook between 8am and 7pm, Monday to Friday.

Alternatively you can call our team on 0800 475 4669.

For customers impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle we have a range of support options available. Find out ways we can help by getting in touch.

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